Auto insurance companies use all sorts of factors to calculate your rates. Some you can control, and some you can’t. The trick to ensuring your auto insurance rates remain affordable is finding actionable ways to influence the factors within your control. Keep reading to learn more!
- Maintain a Spotless Driving Record. Nothing will drive up your auto insurance rates faster than tickets and accidents. Even a minor mistake, like running a red light, can drive up your premiums for years. For this reason, it’s imperative that you drive safely and obey all traffic laws. As long as you have a clean record, your insurer won’t have an excuse to charge you exorbitant premiums.
- Consider Choosing a Higher Deductible. Opting for a higher deductible means you pay more out-of-pocket if you file a claim, but your auto insurance rates will decrease. Nevertheless, we recommend running the numbers with your agent first to see if this strategy makes sense for your budget.
- Bundle Your Home and Auto Insurance. Most insurers offer a discount when you purchase multiple policies from them. Therefore, consider combining home and auto insurance to maximize savings. You’ll enjoy the convenience of paying less overall.
- Speak to Your Insurance Agent. A trustworthy agent will have your back when it comes to cost savings. So, ask them for other unknown ways to keep auto insurance rates low. They may recommend unique solutions such as taking a defensive driving course, low mileage discounts, or even multi-car discounts.
Following the above tips is a sure way to put the brakes on your auto insurance rates. Talk to one of our agents today if you’d like to learn even more creative ways to keep your premiums in check.